The Secret Virtual Life of Florence Yoo

Florence Yoo: singer/songwriter/wisenheimer/glad participant in this game... Her CDs available on INDELIBLE and IN MY MIND I AM 5'9", confirming she is weird AND delusional. Factoids: commission to write the song ART TALK for Lynn Hershman; composer for Julia Cho's fun children's play, BAY AND THE SPECTACLES OF DOOM, La Jolla Playhouse, CA. Copyright 2005-2014 Florence Yoo (ASCAP) All rights reserved, etc., etc., etc....

My Photo
Location: coming soon..., to a venue near you!, United States

optimistic, determined, happy, lucky, earnest, sentimental, doing my best to move that rubber tree plant...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

a little benefit for dear richard loranger!

I am going to this tomorrow night, please join me!

Here is the info from the Talented Mr. Loranger himself...

Hi Everybody ~

As some of you know, I was recently ill for a few months
with an(other) infection in my jaw, which required
truckloads of nasty mega-antibiotics and painkillers, and
eventually bone surgery. Though it was certainly not the
worst illness one can have (thankfully), it quite exhausted
my energy, my immune system, and my bank account. Such is
the life of an uninsured adjunct. After almost three months,
I’m finally starting to heal and to feel a bit alive.
And broke.

Les Lopes, the Patron Saint of Poets, has offered to put
on a little benefit to help me get back on my feet
financially, since this really did wipe out my very meager
savings. It’s really just meant to be a fun open mic for
a couple of hours this coming Friday. He set up the whole
thing, and I mostly just insisted that it be an
open cabaret, for folks to do anything they want.
So please stop by, and do anything you want!

It’ll be at a terrific new jazz venue in Park Slope
called Night and Day, and admission will be all of $5,
plus anything you want to add to that. Robin Hirsch, the
owner, has agreed to let me take all of the proceeds,and
will make $ only on drinks and eats that
folks order (it’s a restaurant as well).

Here’s the announcement that Les put together:

Richard's Cabaret
a fundraiser for Richard Loranger
to help recoup the cost of his recent surgery

March 17, 2006 @ 6:30 PM
There will be an Open Mic for poetry, performance,
music, and basic rants (or chants)
hosted by: Les Lopes
Admission $5
(All proceeds go to Richard. Extra donations welcomed.)
Please come early since we only have the space until
8:30 PM

Night and Day
(back room)
230 5th Ave. (at President Street), Park Slope, Brooklyn
Take the R or M trains to the Union Street Station.

It would be swell if you could make it, especially
because it would be nice to see you. And could you
please forward this on to anyone
you think might find it of interest.



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