The Secret Virtual Life of Florence Yoo
Florence Yoo: singer/songwriter/wisenheimer/glad participant in this game... Her CDs available on INDELIBLE and IN MY MIND I AM 5'9", confirming she is weird AND delusional. Factoids: commission to write the song ART TALK for Lynn Hershman; composer for Julia Cho's fun children's play, BAY AND THE SPECTACLES OF DOOM, La Jolla Playhouse, CA. Copyright 2005-2014 Florence Yoo (ASCAP) All rights reserved, etc., etc., etc....
About Me
- Name: Florence Yoo
- Location: coming soon..., to a venue near you!, United States
optimistic, determined, happy, lucky, earnest, sentimental, doing my best to move that rubber tree plant...
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
A Little Help for Christine Pechera?
Hey Florence!
Hope you are doing well.
I'm actually writing though because i was wondering if
I could enlist your help. over the weekend, I got
back in touch with a really old childhood friend,
Tony, from my days as a kid in Whittier. He told me
about his friend, Christine, a Filipina filmmaker in
LA who's dying of lymphoma. She desperately needs a
bone marrow transplant. Without it, she may only have
a year to live.
Ed and I are trying to get the word out because
Christine's best chance is to have a Filipino donor
but there are almost no Filipino donors in the
national bone marrow registry. And donating bone
marrow is such a simple procedure. The odds of
finding a match are 1 in 20,000 so I figure all we
need to do is register at least 20,000 Filipinos or
people with an Asian or Latino background.
So I think to myself: where can I find 20,000
I've written to the AAWW, Theater Mu, Ma-Yi, NAATCO
and now you, since you have the largest personal email
newsletter of anyone I know. Would you mind putting a
little blurb about Christine on your next
e-newsletter? Her website is
and it has her whole story. Basically, right now
they're just asking people to register as a donor.
They'll only contact you if they think you might be a
match. And the fact is that any donor of any race
could be the miracle someone's looking for.
Once you see her photo and read her story, I think
you'll understand why Ed and I want to help her.
Losing her would be a huge loss--not just to her
family and friends but to the entire Asian-American
artistic community. Honestly, the website made me
Anyway, hope you're well. We miss your smiling face.
If you have any other ideas on how to get the word
out, let me know!
Back to me, Florence...
If anyone has any ideas on how best to help, please
contact me and I will pass the word on...
Love and God bless y'all out there,
What Are You Doing on Sunday, 2/26?
A feature film by NaRhee Ahn
Sunday, February 26th
12 Noon to 2pm
Please bring a pen to fill out an audience survey!
To RSVP reply to
The ImaginAsian Theater
239 East 59th Street
(2nd & 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY (212) 371-6682
F to Lexington Avenue at 63rd Street
456/NRW to 59th Street at Lexington Avenue
I was very happy that Jennifer had seen the show. She told me that Deborah was great and then she asked me if Deborah knew Tony Danza. I said, "I don't know if Deborah knows him or not. Why?" She replied. "After she performed, she hugged and kissed him."
I then told her that the first time I ever met Deborah was at work, catering. At the end of the night, someone asked, "Where's Deborah?" Sarah Yorra answered, "She's upstairs. Go take a look..." We all went upstairs and saw that Deborah had made such good friends with the party guests that she was sending them all off with hugs and kisses...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Your Place or Mine
A little while later, he asked me what kind of earrings I had on. Fair enough, I thought. "They're hoop earrings," I answered. He then said, "Your hoop earrings are nice."
Boy, talk about having game...
I was chatting with Carol Little on the phone. She said, "It sounds quiet where you are. Aren't you at work?" I said, "Yes, but I am at a pay phone and no one is ever here but me. Maybe they should just be called Florence Phones since I am the only person who ever uses them..."
Friday, February 17, 2006
Comedy Everywhere...
I caught Queen Latifah and LL Cool J's new film , Last Holiday directed by Wayne Wang. It was cute. As we were walking into the movie, Carol Little burst out laughing. "What?" I asked. She replied, "Did you hear that?" "No." "There was a woman who hit that guy and said, 'You bastard! You let me pay!'."
I finally saw Ang Lee's film, Brokeback Mountain with Wendy Ip. Why didn't anyone tell me how sad and upsetting it is? It was good, especially since it wasn't a formula movie, but gee, whiz, it's kinda intense...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Travelin' Woman
My new boss eats as much junk food as I do. Audra Snyder rules! Each day we've been comparing what we've had; i.e., one day I had two crispy tacos at the Burger King while she had the Crunchy Supreme from Taco Bell... Yum!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Wendy Ip ~ Girl Genius

I was telling Wendy Ip the tale of how I got into a nasty, screaming match on the street with this woman and her mangy mutt. The upshot of it was that this woman did not believe that I really was walking toward the payphone to make a call. She thought I was lying, when I was not. I told Wendy that I am eccentric, and that I do not really use a cellular phone. She observed, "Florence , do you realize that whenever you say that you are 'eccentric', it always has something to do with you not spending money? Maybe you can just replace 'eccentric' with
'cheap ass'." I laughed so hard when Wendy told me this, I almost fell down. I did not know that 'eccentric' was my euphemism for 'cheap ass.' Wendy explained that she likes to find patterns in things. Touche... Check out
Carol's comment on this was: actually, it oughta be 'broke ass' because you aren't cheap, and there's a difference...
However; when this all transpired, Wendy did make it clear that I was usually eccentric only with myself, not with others...
I started taking aspirin for my aches and pains. I went onto Tylenol, then Extra Strength Tylenol and now I am taking Advil. Jacqueline at work gave me a Motrin. It was stronger. Corinna told me I really oughta try Aleve. Where will this end?
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Lingerie Bowl
i wouldn't have thought that i had any connection to the super bowl, but apparently, i kinda do!
my friend, model and author, shantelle is in the lingerie bowl today! wow!
also, check out our hilarious friend, kron...
Kim Fogel... aka Kim Simon...
Back in the day, we were in a band together with Louise Boije af Gennas, the Swedish Blonde Bombshell -- gosh, I wonder if she ever knew that we called her that? Robin Mackey and Michele Coulson.
It was a lot of fun. Thanks for the reminder, Kim! Love ya, mean it!