This is a photo of Eddy Martinez and me from the 10.27.05 Unveiling the Butterfly Benefit for the indie film,
Tie a Yellow Ribbon by Joy Dietrich. (Thanks so very much to the nice audience member who shot this for me!) The event was held in Soho, NY. By chance, my best friend, Carol shocked me this past August with a very generous and kind, surprise birthday gift ~ the Daisy Rock butterfly guitar pictured. Ever since she gave me this guitar, I have been having butterfly coincidences... The hat I am wearing was given to me by famous hat maker,
Liza Yu Chen.Please visit her awesome website:
www.mysticbutterfly.comWhen I was in Arizona, I had a monarch butterfly flit by me on two separate occasions -- seemingly welcoming me to Julia Cho and Ed Chung's Wedding!
It was a beautiful night. Jimmy the sound dude had a great recycled hat on. It was knit, and it had what I think were the sides of aluminum cans stiched in.
Yellow Rage
www.yellowrage.com started the night off with their words of wisdom, and well, rage... They were hella fierce!
Performance of words by master poet
www.yellowgurl.com Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai inspired and quieted the masses...
Wendy Ip
www.wendyip.comkindly let us all use her super long red patch cord. Thanks, Wendy! But I think I personally want to thank Wendy for all the hilarious wisecracking throughout the night the most! Somehow we got onto the subject of gay men hitting on Asian women. Wendy posited that maybe this was because if you are a gay man who is into Asian men, (hairless, etc.) then perhaps an Asian woman is pretty close... Wendy's set
rocked. Great voice, songs and musicianship -- but what the heck do I know?
Annie Lin
www.annielin.com sounded terrific. I loved it that when Craig Baldwin came into the green room and apologized for interrupting us and Annie said we were just
fraternizing. A bunch of folks were commenting to me during Annie's set that she sounded amazing. (It's true.)
Chicagoan, Jenny Choi
www.jennychoi.com -- her excellent, rawkin' set made me think of Led Zeppelin... She was just
tearing up the keys, (who knew that was even possible?) and her drummer, former Evanstonian, Philip's drum rolls were positively machine gun-like... I did wonder what the family who lived below the space must have been thinking...
DJ Shu was spinning a very fun mix. Unexpected old school and the new... Can she just come by my house and spin as I get ready for my work day? How fun would that be?
The trailer for the film,
www.yellowribbonmovie.com was superb. If the movie is half as good, it will be worth the price of admission. One of the nice MTV people told me that they liked the trailer, too. (I happened to be standing right next to them.)
Masia One
www.masiaone.com Okay, so talk about
skillz and
she can blow. Translation for those I spoke with who looked at me with a blank look and said "Huh?" ~ Masia One is one helluva rapper
and she sings really well, too. They played her videos on the projection screen as she sang, and they were
hot. I really dug the one with the acrobats. Supercool, yo.
Vijai Nathan
www.vijaicomedy.com brought the laughs, as per usual! Catch her full length show if you can! It's poignant and very funny!
Gargantuan thanks to Eddy Martinez for his expert lead guitar work, Craig Baldwin, Joy Dietrich, Diana Lee, Thomas Yong and all who were in the house! What a spectacular bill! How I snuck in, I'll never know...